Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Zoids Group build Great Sabre more metallics

Despite the drama going around my home i finally got some time to get back to the one thing that makes me happy!! Building and painting model kits. So of course the same project is the Zoids Great Sabre for the Gundam Eclipse Zoids Group build over at GE.

So tons and tons of masking on the inner red frame. The results are really nice i must say. Its a ton of work but to me its worth it in the end. A little hint for those using Tamiya clear acrylics....if you mask with them its generally a good idea to remove the masking tape as soon as possible. if you dont it tends to pull the paint off with the tape. so remove it ASAP!! or you will have some real problems!


  1. these looks great sir! cannot wait to see him standing. dem flats, dem metallics. @_@

    1. big thanks justin!! glad you approve!!! should be done soon i hope!!

  2. The separation on the metallic colors look fantastic! This is going to look great when you're done.

  3. Lovin it man keep up the steller work :)
